TO BE CLEAR! I did not meet with Rep. Hunt... I had a very brief meeting with the outer office people, who told me Hunt (who is Speaker of the House, by the way) was floating this bill at the request of a constituent. Two of the office people said "you don't have to worry about this. it's not going anywhere" or something to that effect. I left some written info. I have a meeting at 1:45 this coming Tuesday with the legislative aid that is running with this. Ron Morgan is going to be there too, (YAY RON!) and any of you who are in the area and would like to come and discuss why this bill should be dropped, please do stop by Rep Hunt's office next Tuesday.
This is not the time for conspiracy theory. There is internet chatter that HB 2843 was induced by any number of factions: adoption agencies, intermediaries, searchers, churches, and money interests. Helen has been very clear that the bill, as far as she knows, came at the request, as do many bills, of a constituent.

Helen is the Measure 58 petitioner. Ron Morgan worked tirelessly on the ground during the M58 campaign. They know the political landscape well. Both are on the ground now to preserve our rights.
If you are an Oregon adoptee or have direct tie to Oregon feel free to contact Rep. Hunt and tell him how M58 has been good for you, your family, and for Oregon.
You can make comments on the bill here:
Read the Oregon Adoptee Rights Blog and join the list
Mary Hunt Peret's blog on the history original birth certificates is here.
The history of the M58 campaign is here.
Photo: by Bastardette taken in Portland, March 31, 2008, when I ran into her on the train.
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